Illuco Blog

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IDS-1100 Dermatoscope

What is a dermatoscope and what does it see?

Dermatoscope: What is it used for and what does it see? Dermatoscopes are essential for dermatologists and other healthcare professionals to examine the skin in detail. These devices provide magnif...

Illuco Woods Lamp

The Modern Wood's Lamp - the Illuco IDS-3100

In the world of dermatology and skincare, diagnostic tools play a crucial role in assessing skin conditions and determining the best course of treatment. One such tool that has been instrumental in...

Doctor examining mole

What Is The ABCDE Rule of Skin Cancer?

What Is The ABCDE Rule of Skin Cancer? The acronym ABCDE is commonly used among dermatologists to characterize skin lesions. This rule helps identify if specific skin lesions are cancerous by deter...

Exploring Skin Lesions: Definition and Types

Exploring Skin Lesions: Definition and Types

The human skin is a remarkable organ, acting as a protective barrier against the outside world. However, it is not immune to various issues, including the development of skin lesions. Skin lesions ...

Understanding Keratoacanthoma: A Guide to Skin Health

Understanding Keratoacanthoma: A Guide to Skin Health

In this blog post, we will discuss what keratoacanthoma is, where it can be found on the skin, how common it is, and why it's crucial to get it checked out by a healthcare professional.