IDS-1000 Dermatoscope

Sale price$425.00 USD

The IDS-1000 is a handy and lightweight dermoscopy tool you can easily take wherever you go. It's compact enough to fit in your pocket or handbag and light enough to wear around your neck all day. This diagnostic tool is specifically designed for professionals and students, and it offers high-quality magnification and illumination for examining skin lesions and patterns.
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With 10x magnification, the IDS-1000 offers detailed views of skin lesions, textures, and patterns. This level of magnification provides the clarity you need to make accurate assessments and informed decisions in your practice.

Cross & Parallel


The IDS-1000 incorporates cross and parallel polarization techniques, enhancing skin examinations by reducing glare and providing detailed insights.


White LEDs

Featuring 8 white LEDs, the IDS-1000 ensures consistent and well-illuminated observations, crucial for precise examinations.

18mm Aperture

The 18mm captures larger and more comprehensive skin views, reducing the need for constant repositioning. This wider field of view ensures thorough examinations of broader areas, enabling you to capture more information in a single glance.

IDS-100 Polarization instructions

Polarization Mode

Switching between polarized and non-polarized modes can be accomplished manually by rotating the cone hood's light mode change dial.

To set the device to polarization mode, align the dial to 3 o'clock, and for non-polarization mode, set it to 12 o'clock. Notably, unlike the IDS-1100 dermatoscope, the IDS-1000 series comes with contact plates affixed to the cone hood.

There are three variations of cone hoods available:

  1. Open top (no contact plate)
  2. With contact plate (no scale)
  3. With scale contact plate
IDS-100 in lanyard

Smartphone & Camera Compatability

A silicone Sleeve with Lanyard is an accessory that offers a secure grip, added durability, and a convenient lanyard for easy carrying and accessibility.

This sleeve is made of high-quality silicone and fits tightly around your dermatoscope, protecting it from accidental bumps, scratches, and minor impacts. 

The ergonomic design of a dermatoscope plays a critical role in facilitating efficient and comfortable skin examinations,

Benefiting both the dermatologist and the patient.

IDS-1000 dermatoscope with lights on


The incorporation of LED lights in a dermatoscope is paramount for facilitating precise and effective skin examinations.

LED lights provide consistent and uniform illumination, ensuring a clear and well-lit view of the skin's surface.

This feature is vital for accurate visualization of skin lesions, textures, and pigmentation variations, enabling dermatologists to make informed assessments and diagnoses.

Ensuring flexibility and adaptability for dermatologists in diverse environments.

IDS-1000 Dermatoscope on its side




8 White LEDs

Light Weight

Light Weight and Compact Design