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Surgeon’s Guide to Buying Loupes

Surgeon’s Guide to Buying Loupes

Whether you’re a budding professional or a seasoned specialist, choosing the perfect loupes can enhance your performance and reduce physical strain. This guide dives into the world of loupes, break...

What Is Dielectric Coating and Why Is It Important in Dental Mirrors?

What Is Dielectric Coating and Why Is It Important in Dental Mirrors?

Dental mirrors are indispensable tools in every dental practice, offering clear visibility and access to hard-to-reach areas of the mouth. Among the many innovations that enhance their functionalit...

Dental mirror in hand

Choosing the Right Dental Mirror: Why ILLUCO's Technology Makes a Difference

When it comes to dental mirrors, it's not just about having something to reflect light—it's about having a tool that helps you work with precision. Whether you're checking for cavities, assessing g...

Lady looking at skin through ids-1100 dermatoscope

Elevate Your Practice: Meet the IDS-1100C Dermatoscope by Illuco

The right tools make all the difference when it comes to precision and clarity in dermatological examinations. The IDS-1100C Dermatoscope is designed to redefine diagnostic accuracy, equipping prof...

ILLUCO TTL 3.0x magnification on sports frame

8 questions sur les loupes ILLUCO : qu'est-ce qui nous distingue ?

Chez ILLUCO, nous pensons que les loupes sont bien plus qu'un simple outil : elles représentent un investissement dans votre santé, vos performances et votre carrière. En tant qu'entreprise récomp...

Seeing Clearly with Presbyopia: How Ergonomic Angled Loupes with Adjustable Diopter Compensation Make a Difference

Voir clairement avec la presbytie : comment les loupes angulaires ergonomiques avec compensation dioptrique réglable font la différence

En vieillissant, notre vision peut changer, notamment lorsqu'il s'agit de se concentrer sur des objets proches, un trouble appelé presbytie. Cette perte progressive de la vision de près est couran...